Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lesson Planning Madness

Well, I only have two school days left of maternity leave, and today I spent alllll day working on my lesson plans for next week.  I pretty much have it all finished, but I need something on teaching comparative/superlative adverbs.  Funny because I don't remember teaching that last year... oops, hopefully it's just my bad memory..  We are still getting more familiar with our new Common Core benchmarks.  Working on my plans all day has me wondering what is required at other schools.  I know that at my school we all have different ways of creating and writing my plans, but we have to meet certain criteria for each lesson (objective, anticipatory set, procedure, assessment/closure).  We also have to integrate technology and listening skills.  I was going to attach my lesson plans for next week for yall to see, but I can't figure out how to do that!! Any advice??  I'm really interested in seeing other plans, too.     And since I am a newbie.. I don't know if this is even possible.  Thanks for any feedback!!!!!


  1. Hi Sarah,

    I use Google Docs. Here is a link to an explanation provided by Heather.

    Hope it works for you!

    Read with Me ABC

  2. I upload my TPT files, lesson plans, etc to Google Docs (which is now under the Drive button at the top when you log in to your google). After they are up loaded I open the file and right click on which pages I want to Save Picture As. I then upload those pictures to my blog to show which TPT items I am selling or to TPT. You can also take a screenshot of your file that you have open. The link below tells you how.
    This tells you how to create a screen shot...
